KTU Norms/rules for Inter College Transfer (B.Tech)

Norms for Inter College Transfer (B.Tech)


  • The following Category of students are not eligible for intercollege transfer
  1. Govt.of India Nominee
  2. Management Quota in Aided Colleges
  3. Any other category which are ineligible as per the conditions for admission prescribed by Govt.of Kerala/ Govt.of India.

  • Inter college transfer shall be applicable only for regular B.Tech students.
  • Inter college transfer shall be permitted before the commencement of the third semester
  • Inter college transfer shall be effected within the sanctioned strength of the college
  • The Transfer shall be permitted
  1. Between Govt. / Govt. Aided Colleges.
  2. Govt. and Govt. Aided colleges to self-financing colleges.
  3. Between Self- financing Colleges. (Including Govt. controlled)

  • Notification inviting application for Inter College Transfer will be issued by the University during the second semester.
  • The candidate should fulfil the academic eligibility requirement for the promotion to the Third Semester.
  • If the numbers of applicants are more than the seats available, the admission may be based on the GPA obtained in the first semester. Ties will be broken by the marks obtained in S1 for Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry taken in that order.
  • The students will have only one option of the college for transfer.
  • The request for the transfer shall be submitted to the college in which the transfer is sought with the recommendation of the Principal of the college in which the student is currently studying
  • The selected candidates shall remit a fee of Rs 3000/- (No fee for SC/ST students) within the stipulated date to KTU while joining in the new college.
  • The college transfer once approved by the receiving college will be final and binding on the applicant. No student will be permitted, under any circumstances, to refuse the change of college once offered.

To know about procedures of college transfer